Wild In Wild H Luna Lovegood

Barn Name: "Luna"
Color: Chocolate Buckskin, Minimal White, Frosted Ears & Nose
DOB: 3/13/2017
Kidding History:
2019: twins, 1 buck, 1 doe
2020: quads, 2 bucks, 2 does
2021: Triplets, 1 Buck, 2 Does
2022: Triplets, 3 Bucks
2023: Triplets, 1 Buck, 2 Does
Linear Appraisal:
VEEE 90 @ 05-04 4F
V+V+ 84 @ 02-03 FF
Show History:
3rd Place Aged Doe 2022 La Grande, OR - Joseph Pilotte
3rd Place Aged Doe 2023 ISDGA Spring Classic - Will Keech
SSS: GCH Alethia CTO Eye Of The Tiger
SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine
SSD: SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me VEVE90 @ 04-03
Sire: Poppy Patch LM Haggred +VV86 @ 02-03
SDS: Poppy Patch HB Honey Badger +V+83 @ 01-02
SD: Poppy Patch HB Primrose
SDD: Poppy Patch HB Trillium VEEE90 @ 07-02
DSS: Piddlin Acres Big Bang Theory
DS: Piddlin Acres BBT Final Sunset *B
DSD: GCH Piddlin Acres PM Sun Flower +AEE87 @ 04-08
Dam: SG Wild In Wild FS Little Artist 1*M VVEV86 @ 05-03
DDS: City Slicker Mini's Comet
DD: Sunny Prairie Calystegia
DDD: Sunny Prairie Allium

Photo Credit: Wild In Wild Farm
Dam: SG Wild In Wild FS Little Artist 1*M VEEV89
Photo Credit: Wild In Wild Farm
Sire's Dam: Poppy Patch HB Primrose